New Jersey State Police statistics rank Monmouth County third in fatal car crashes with 19 fatal auto accidents to date in 2016. Ocean County had 15 fatal car crashes to date, ranking alongside Gloucester County for the same time period. Fatal car crashes for all New Jersey counties to date is 232. Fatalities are up 10.5% so far in 2016. New Jersey had a total of 198 crash fatalities in 2015. Impaired drivers are one factor in the spike in car crash fatalities this year.
Impaired Drivers and Blood Alcohol Concentration
According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) increased blood alcohol concentration (BAC) correlates to an increasing degree of driver impairment. The CDC lists predictable effects on driving according to BAC percentages. A 0.02% BAC, produces a decline in visual rapid tracking of a moving target and the ability to perform two tasks at the same time. A BAC of 0.05% causes steering difficulty, a reduction in coordination, a reduction in the ability to track moving objects and reduced response to emergency driving situations. Concentration, short-term memory loss, speed, information processing capability (signal detection, visual search) and perception are affected at a BAC of 0.08%. A BAC of 0.10% causes a decrease in the ability to maintain lane position and brake appropriately. Substantial impairment in vehicle control, attention to driving task and in necessary visual and auditory information processing occurs at a BAC of 0.15%.
Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) and Fatal Car Crashes
Driving While Intoxicated puts the driver, passengers and other motorists at risk for an accident with fatalities and other serious injuries. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, “The probability of a fatal crash rises significantly after 0.05% blood alcohol concentration (BAC) and even more rapidly after 0.08%. Drivers with very high BACs (at or above 0.15%) have a very high risk of dying in a crash or getting severely injured.”
Criminal Defense Attorney In Ocean County
If you have been accused of drunk driving in Ocean or Monmouth County, New Jersey it's time to reach out to a criminal defense attorney like those at Villani & DeLuca. Our attorney's have over 20 years of experience representing clients from across the state. Call 732-965-3999 today for a free consultation.
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