With the summer at the Jersey Shore season quickly approaching and the high school prom season is upon us, the Ocean County Prosecutor's Office is increasing their focus on motorists' safety, in particular driving under the influence (DUI). Many local municipalities including Toms River, Jackson and Brick are working in conjunction with the Ocean County Sheriff's Office to implement several checkpoints throughout Ocean County, in an effort to curb drunk driving. With the objective to keep the roads as safe as possible this summer, in addition to each checkpoint, every checkpoint will have two drug recognition experts (DREs) to sift out drivers under the influence of narcotics. So, if you're driving from Seaside Heights and you have to go through Toms River to get to Parkway or other destinations south and west — beware there could be a checkpoint waiting for you. The heightened precaution and security comes from Ocean County's high DUI-related death rates. Approximately one-third of the deaths occurring on Ocean City roadways is a result of drivers who are under the influence. In 2015, thirty-eight people died in DUI accidents. The checkpoint program has produced positive results. In one year, out of the twenty-one counties in New Jersey, Ocean County has moved down from second highest to fifth highest in DUI related deaths.
Consequences of Driving Under the Influence - N.J.S.A. 39:4-50
In New Jersey, law enforcement does not joke around with DUI charges. In the Garden State, the penalties for DUI and related offenses depend on the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) found in your body and the number of times you have been convicted of drunk driving. Consequences include fines, penalties, fees, community service, license suspension, court costs, insurance surcharge, mandatory attendance to one of NJ's Intoxicated Driver Resource Centers (IRDC), Ignition Interlock Device (IID), and possible jail time. Regardless of whether you are a first time DWI offender or have multiple DUI charges, drunk driving cases are very complex. It is in your best interest to contact an experienced lawyer.
Ocean County DUI Defense Attorneys
Being charged with drunk driving can be an incredibly complicated and difficult case to navigate. The attorneys at Villani and DeLuca are experienced defense attorneys who can handle your case with the care it needs and deserves. The law office of Villani and DeLuca, P.C. has more than two decades of experience dealing with DUI cases in New Jersey. The DUI defense attorneys of Villani & DeLuca, offer FREE initial consultation. If you or a family member has been charged with a DUI in Brick, Point Pleasant Beach, or Long Beach Island, call us at (732)-965-3999 or contact our firm online to schedule an appointment!
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